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Global specialists in safety and health risk management for the television, film, and creative industries


This course is to be held on the 6th February 2019 in Central London

It is a regulatory requirement that all businesses in the UK have appointed first aid personnel. The size of the company and the workplace environment will determine how many that should be.
For a low-hazard workplace, such as an office or shop with fewer than 25 employees, there should be at least one appointed person.

Where there are 25-50 employees, there should be at least one first-aider trained in Emergency First Aid At Work (EFAW). If there are more than 50 employees then there should be at least one first-aider trained in First Aid At Work (FAW).

The content of this EFAW course will cover basic, life saving first aid and workplace health and safety regulations within an emergency situation.

Subjects covered:
Incident Approach and Assessment
Casualty Primary Assessment
First Aid Priorities
Airway Management
Basic Life Support with Automated External Defibrillation
Managing an Unconscious Casualty
Dealing with Bleeding Wounds including Shock
Managing Burns and Fractures
Managing Medical Emergencies
First Aid Kits
Recording and Reporting

The Health and Safety Executive also strongly recommends that first-aiders undertake a refresher course during any three-year certification period.
Although this is not compulsory, it will help qualified first-aiders maintain their basic skills and keep them up to date with any changes to first aid procedures.

The date of the course is Wednesday 6th February 2019. Start time 09.30am

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